Best Versatile Tiles for Indoor And Outdoor Use
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Best Versatile Tiles for Indoor And Outdoor Use

Versatile Tiles for Indoor and Outdoor Use

Kill two birds with one stone by using the same type of tile inside and outside. Believe it or not, there are a handful of versatile tiles that can be functional and attractive indoors and out. We’ll explain each option and hopefully you’ll develop a vision of how you can incorporate at least one look into your Dallas, TX living space.



Porcelain tile is a great choice for kitchens, bathrooms, patios and entryways. It’s a hard, strong material that is heated at extremely high temperatures. Hardness and water resistance enable it to withstand all types of bad weather. And if the tile type can stand up against outdoor whether, you best believe it can stand up against kitchen threats.

Appearance is not sacrificed with porcelain. Porcelain offers many different designs and it possesses a unique through-body feature in which the design maintains even if chipped or cracked. It’s a borderline stylish/blend flooring option that will work well with really any type of surrounding.



Ceramic could jokingly be called Porcelain Jr. It somewhat aspires to be porcelain; however, specific qualities do not match that of porcelain. Ceramic is slightly less hard and slightly less water resistant in comparison to porcelain. Also, it’s not quite as versatile from a design perspective.

With that said, ceramic is less expensive than porcelain. Dallas, TX homeowners therefore have a choice to install a slightly inferior choice to porcelain, but at a cheaper price. In many instances, the price bargain is worth it. Ceramic holds up fine against bad weather as well, and it stands as a complimentary flooring option to most room makeups.



Best Versatile Tiles for Indoor And Outdoor Use
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Best Versatile Tiles for Indoor And Outdoor Use

Slate tiling is going to be the priciest of these versatile tiles. Though, its price is justified. This particular natural stone tile option is known to be remarkably durable. It is expected to last over 100 years as a roofing material, so how do you think that durability translates to a porch floor or a kitchen floor?

Slate offers a sleek appeal. It is consistently found in black and gray, though, you’ll be able to find slate in other earthy tones as well, such as beige and rustic red. Your home will not only adopt a luxurious look with slate, but it will also gain in value. The high-class material is heavily sought after, but not everyone has the chance to live with it.

From a durability standpoint, slate is waterproof. It helps to have all types of natural stone flooring sealed in order to avoid stains, but slate will manage fine even without being sealed. It also takes on heat with no problem.



Pebblestone flooring offers a unique look. For those of you who are unfamiliar, this type of flooring is what it seems—a bunch of pebbles put together to form a cool, grippy material. It may not be best for a kitchen; however, pebble flooring in bathrooms and patios is ideal.

You’ll find all sorts of intriguing pebble designs. Different colors, different textures, different combinations of colors…it is certainly an attention-grabbing type of floor. Pebblestone is often used as a pool tile; hence, it can take on water and heat with no issue. You can use it on bathroom walls, floors, and it even makes for a fun countertop option for a bathroom counter or outdoor bar.



Best Versatile Tiles for Indoor And Outdoor Use
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Best Versatile Tiles for Indoor And Outdoor Use

Lastly, limestone is another natural stone option that makes for great indoor and outdoor tile. It’s a softer material, but holds its own against the conditions. If deciding on limestone for outdoor use, it is recommended it be installed under a covered patio. Reason being, it is not quite as durable as its natural stone teammates.

Appearance-wise, limestone will give any of the versatile tiles a run for its money. It provides a very cozy, creamy look that will brighten up whichever room it is a part of.

For access to hundreds of unique versatile tiles, give Fujiwa Tiles a call! We have offices in Dallas, TX, Anaheim, CA and Van Nuys, CA. We can send you samples and direct you to tile installers. Please visit our website——and our blog for more information regarding tile appearance and usage.

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